The subscriptions are annual and the client can choose between a Classic or a Premium Subscription, according to the options below:
Classic Subscription:
You will receive the published articles, have access to almost all sections of the website (excluding the sections reserved to Premium clients, such as In Charts, Resources and Request Box) and be invited to an annual conference about the global economic perspectives.
Premium Subscription:
This subscription is valid for three people from the same entity or the same company.
You will receive all publications, conference supports and Webcasts.
The access to all contents of the website and its resources will be guaranteed (publications, forecasts, In Charts, conference supports, Webcasts and Request Box)
We will organize four one to one presentations and guarantee a monthly telephone follow-up (the frequency will be adjusted according to the needs and preferences of the client).
You will be invited to quarterly conferences that will alternate between breakfasts (in which we will discuss the global economic situation) and late afternoon presentations about thematic subjects.
For an additional annual cost, you can have a monthly two half-day on-site presence.